Photograph And Media Requirements
Want to submit media to us — here’s what we need
Photographs and Videos — General Requirements
One of the things that we are doing to make ourselves unique in the market is providing very high quality and un-retouched photographs in our site and media. While its not always possible in all situations this is our goal. As such we do not want to “photoshop” out the various things that could have been handled by good stage lighting, cleaning and other basic stage housekeeping.
1. Footprints and dirt on the stage floor must be removed before the shooting
2. Dust and other items on the latex need to be wiped away
3. Latex should always be freshly shined and checked before shooting for hair, dirt or other flotsam that attaches itself
4. Other than intentional dramatic lighting, there should be no extra shadows, glare or other distractions in the frame.
5. Makeup and other body art should be smooth and without visible transitions or cracks
6. Sweat (other than when intentional for dramatic effect) should be removed
7. No visible stage mechanics
8. No visible product logos or other trademarked / branded items
9. All models must be 21 years of age or older at the time of the shooting – a model waver must be on file before the photographs will be accepted.
10. No genitals or other naughty bits may be visible in the frame
Photographs (IMAGES)
In general, images should be as follows
- a minimum of 36 MP for images 7360 x 4912 for portrait 4912 x 7360 for landscape
Example cameras are Sony Alpha a7R, Sony Alpha A99, Fujfilm GFX 50, Nikon D800/D810/D850 Letic Q2, Canon EOS SDs etc
For reference, we shoot with the Nikon D850.
- Preference to RAW files, JPGs need to be non-progressive and non-optimized and must contain the camera meta data. This data will not be sent out from our service platforms
- The bottom right quadrant is reserved for the GlanZig logo and copyright information. The bottom right can be used for your logo/brand if needed.
Media (Video)
In general, video should be as follows
- a minimum of 4k x 30 (29.92fps)
Example cameras are ARRI Alexa XT Studio, Red One 4k, Canon EOS C500, Sony Cine-Alta 4k, Phantom Flex, etc
For reference, we shoot with the Red Epic.
- Preference to MOV files, or RED raw files. mkv and other compressed formats need to be approved first.
- The bottom right quadrant is reserved for the GlanZig logo and copyright information. The bottom right can be used for your logo/brand
- Any accompanying music must be licensed and that license provided to us. If you do not have licensed music we can use our BMI or other licenses with our own sound so we know its cleared from tagging or strikes before being published
Catfish Imports LLC
(DBA) GlanZig
120 East FM 544 #72/354
Murphy, Texas 75094
+1 (903) 904-0007